About Us

Hi, my name is Will, I'm 10 years old and I love to draw!

I started a Facebook page in 2019 when I was 8 years old to raise money and awareness for my brother's rare genetic condition, Dup15q.  My brother Henry is 7 years old and he's a really awesome brother, that I care about a lot.

Henry has a lot of challenges like he can't talk and he has seizures, some days he has more seizures than other days.

People with Dup15q are affectionately known as Super Dupers which is why I used the name.

I really love my little brother and by buying these products you will not only be helping raise money (100% of profits go to charity) for Dup15q Australia but also raise awareness about Henry and his rare condition. 


Thanks Will.


P.S. Mummy and Daddy are helping me out by making sure things run smoothly with the pages and this store.



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